About the courses
All courses can be booked directly through the shop page on this site
Expert Safeguarding Training for Dance Professionals: Awareness, Recognition and Responses
Delivered live on zoom this 4 hour interactive safeguarding training session will talk you through everything you need to know about safeguarding in your dance school. This course will provide an awareness of national legislation and guidance. You will explore the recognition of safeguarding concerns though signs, symptoms and indicators and disclosure and then be guided through correct responses to children, young people and their parents and the correct recording, reporting and referral processes. This courses meets all your needs regarding safeguarding training and meets appropriate national standards in terms of safeguarding content but is also industry specific. The session will explore specific challenges and concerns within dance teaching practice and explore how, as a community, we can achieve the best standards of safety and welfare for all our students. This course covers detailed information on safeguarding children AND safeguarding adults.
Want to book private training for your team? all our sessions can be delivered publicly or privately Click here.
Resilience & Wellbeing
This course is for you!! The first part of this course is live training for teachers. The two hour zoom session uses well researched and widely used professional tools and techniques to explore YOUR wellbeing at work. The course is intended to help you unpick your strengths, passions and fears about your business and help you to feel resilient, confident and in control at work. It will hep us think about why we feel the way we do and explore how we can work with that. Dance teachers often work unsocial hours, often loan work and work in complex situations with many other people, and little support so time to talk and explore our reactions to our jobs really does help.
The second part of this course is for your students and teachers. It is natural that when we learn skills that make us feel more resilient at work that, as teachers, we would want to share that information with our fellow teachers and students. This course also comes with a short pre-recorded training video that can be shared with other teachers of staff at your school to help to educate them around resilience and wellbeing and also a supporting tool kit with 14 different wellbeing and resilience tools within it that can be used when working with teachers and students alike.
Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion
Understanding Equality, diversity and inclusion is about preventing discrimination. Discrimination is hurtful and harmful, it can affect someone’s self-esteem, self-confidence, and sense of self-worth. To be discriminated can also have a direct impact on someone’s life chances, opportunities, and overall life path. To discriminate is never an insignificant act and so learning about good practice and exploring our own biases is essential to being good at your job and fair in your role. Dance is traditionally a very exclusive profession, with strict historical stereotypes regarding the aesthetics of dancers and while many of these stereotypes are now illegal many still pervade within our profession so it’s essential, we learn to recognise them and challenge them appropriately and professionally to ensure everyone is treated with respect.
This two hour zoom session will provide you with the essential information you need to lead and inspire on inclusive practice within your school helping you to create a dance school that is welcoming, supportive and provides an excellent service for everyone who walks through your door. ​
Children's Activity Providers
Do you work with colleagues who do not teach dance?
Maybe you have a vocal coach, drama teacher or Pilates coach at your studio and want something more specific for them.
This course is for them!
4 hours of high quality, industry specific safeguarding training on awareness, recognition of and responses to safeguarding concerns. This course is appropriate for anyone working more broadly in the out of schools settings sector.
Our Safeguarding in Out Of School Settings training is designed for anyone who teaches children, whether you teach judo, Spanish, cooking, BSL, baby yoga, or any of the other brilliant things you do!
Studio Owners' Guide To Managing Safeguarding
Are you the boss? This is the course for dance school owners.
All your staff have safeguarding training, you have your designated safeguarding lead in place but what how do you over see good safeguarding practice in your studio? This course takes you through the practical information as a manager and business owner you need to understand to ensure everyone in your environment is appropriately safeguarded.
The course explores relevant aspects of safeguarding such as safer recruitment and body of persons approvals, elements of health and safety such as fire safety and risk assessment, aspects of Equality and Diversity such as understanding the access needs of student and aspects of governance such as your complaints process.
If you are in charge and coordinate your business this course will make sure that you are well informed on key safety and welfare elements in your school. This is a 4 hour, live, interactive zoom session
Designated Safeguarding Lead
​safeguarding for student helpers
This is a one hour interactive live zoom course for student helpers aged between 14 -17 years. Our student helpers need to know, in age appropriate terms, who to tell and how to help if ever a younger student in the school discloses to them in any way during a session.
As student helpers these students fill an important gap between young students and teachers, providing communication and support, which could mean they also learn and hear things that teachers do not.
It is essential that our student helpers know what to do with this information who to tell and that they feel supported to do so.
All our courses can be booked through the shop on this website. Don't find what you were looking for please send a message, Private and bespoke training packages are also available for any type of group from private dance school to full companies or awarding organisations. Specific training such as chaperone training or Body of Persons training can also be requested as can pre recorded training materials specifically created for your school.
Designated Safeguarding Lead
Are you the designated safeguarding lead of a dance or performing arts organisation. This is the course for you. This course follows on from our safeguarding for dance professionals course and should not be taken with out it. The course provides details on the role and responsibilities of the DSL. It is designed to help with understanding threshold of need, making effective referrals, managing sensitive information securely and sharing information appropriately, recognising signs, symptoms and indicators regarding all forms of harm including exploitation, understanding contextual safeguarding and risk within our professional and developing an understanding around trauma informed practice and best practice within the industry. Specifically for designated safeguarding leads this course builds on basic safeguarding knowledge from our other courses to ensure you have the skills necessary to be excellent at this really important job. This session will also provide time for reflecting on the safeguarding measures in your school and planning for future best practice. This is a 4 hour live, interactive zoom session.
Booking open NOW!
Visit our online store to book your training.
Can't see any dates that work for you? Send a message to book private training for your team!